Clean Gutters Prevent Damage

Most homeowners are very conscientious about routine maintenance on their home. In an attempt to prevent significant damage in the future, they regularly inspect their foundation, have their furnace serviced and meticulously inspect every element of their home that could potentially cause costly damage in the future. However, one element of the home that receives very little attention is the gutter system. Gutters, not regular serviced, can cause damage far beyond a homeowner’s imagination.

The effects of clogged gutters cost homeowners millions of dollars each year. Among some of the effects of a clogged gutter include water damage, basement-flooding, termites and mold. Gutter cleaning is an essential part of home maintenance and should not be ignored.

Trees release buds, seeds, leaves and small bits of bark, all of which work to prevent your gutters from doing what they were designed to do; keep water out of your house.

Homeowners aware of the effects of a clogged gutter attempt to perform the necessary maintenance themselves. However, merely picking twigs and leaves from a gutter are not completely affective in preventing the damage that water can cause.

An experienced professional with the right equipment is essential to ensure that a clogged gutter does not ruin your home. The professionals at Rose City Pressure Washing, with over twenty years of experience, have the equipment and know how to clean your gutters properly.Clean Gutters Prevent Damage

A regularly scheduled gutter cleaning by our professional, reliable staff extends the life of your roof and protects your properties value.